East African Blackheaded all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SSsort descending Trait Value Location MC
Female 232.00 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda On Station
Female 13.60 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Overall 0.12 0.00 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda On Station
Male 10.09 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Male 2.28 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Overall 59.00 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Overall Fat-tailed, variable in shape, length and amount of fat deposit. Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Female 21.00 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Male 7.64 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda
Female 18.00 Unspecified-1402883412, Uganda