Afar all Traits

Sex Meansort descending SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall Males usually bearded and lightly maned; females unbearded except for a few with very wispy beard. Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Male Range: 26-39 Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Female Range: 90-120 Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia On Station
Overall The coat is very fine and short with variable colours and colour patterns – white 48%, light brown 25%, black 27%, and flecks and patches are also common. Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Overall Very variable. Whole whites common, reds and blacks less so, multi-coloured and spotted and blotched animals commonest. Coat of very fine, short hair. Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Female Range: 22-28 Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Male A beard is present in 79% of males and a ruff in 67% of the goats. Wattles are relatively common (19%). Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Overall Medium length (10-12 cm), medium width, noticeably priced and erect; less than 1.5 per cent have atrophied (3-4 cm) ears. Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia
Female Range: 20-25 Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Range: 55-65 Unspecified-1402883398, Ethiopia