all Adaptability Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Locationsort descending MC
Overall Trypanotolerant Boenca, Boyenca, Fouta Jallon, Fout, Malinke, Mandingo, N'Dama Petite, Outa Malinke, Futa, Somalia On Farm
Overall Good swimmers Borrie, Nigeria
Overall Excellently adapted to semi sedentary life in a swampy living area. Borrie, Nigeria
Overall Fond of wallowing in water. Borrie, Nigeria
Overall Resistant to tick bites. Konkomba , Togo
Overall Well adapted to heat and humidity in Lake area. Unspecified-1402883370, Chad
Overall Adapted to harsh conditions. Unspecified-1402883370, Chad
Overall Trypanotolerant, adapted to humid climate. Unspecified-1402883372, Cote d'Ivoire On Station
Female Hardy well acclimatised . Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan On Station
Overall Can adapt to direct sunlight at constant environmental temperature of 90°F. Mean heat tolerance Coeft = 86.9 (n = 6 females) Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan On Station