
Species Nom Synonymstrier par ordre croissant
Buffalo kerbau-Indonesia Indonesian; Javanese; Karbouw; Kerbou
Buffalo Arna Indian Wild Buffalo
Buffalo Arni Indian Wild Buffalo
Pigs Ning-An Improved Ningan
Cattle Humbi Humbe, Angola Cattle
Pigs Huazhong Two-End Black Huazhongliangtouwu
Yaks Huanhu Huanhu yak in Qinghai
Cattle Frisonne Pie-Noire Holstein (black and white)
Buffalo Nepalese Mountain Himali Bhainsi; Himalayan Mountain
Sheep Mondombes Herero, Macubias
Cattle Damara Herero
Goats Nguni Herero
Cattle Cape Hatton
Cattle Tuli Harvey's Cattle, named after the settler farmer who collected the original Amabowe cattle that provided the foundation stock for the Tuli.
Buffalo Haizi Haitszy; Haitzu (Wade-Giles)