Banyo all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC정렬 - 오름차순
Male 113.00 Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Overall The horns are short to medium in length and are thin or moderately thick. They project outwards and slightly forwards; sometimes the tips curve backwards and sometimes the horns while projecting outwards and upwards have only a slight curve in them. Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Female Average: 204-281 Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Female 91.00 Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Overall In their colour markings the Banyo is one of the most attractive cattle types in Africa. The colours are white and a deep, but bright red. The usual colour pattern consists of a white face similar to the Hereford (except that there is always colour around Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Female 122 Range: 340 - 460 Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm