Gokceada (Imroz) all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Female 28.90 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Female 28.70 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Female 8.40 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Female 46.20 147 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Overall White with black spots around the eyes, nose, mouth and over the legs. The wool of this breed is extremely coarse and is suitable for carpet making. Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Overall Rams are generally horned, though approximately 5 – 10% are polled. The horns form a spiral and flare out towards the sides. Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Overall 15.06 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Overall 15.44 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Overall 0.35 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey
Overall 0.32 Unspecified-1402883450, Turkey