Sokoto all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MC
Overall Is white, grey-white, cream o fawn with, in the bulls, dark grey areas over the shoulders and hump extending forward to the neck. The skin, hooves, muzzle and tail-switch are generally black although a red skin may sometimes be found under the tail and in Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall Are long and large and sometimes slightly pendulous. Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall Are short, projecting in a lateral and upward direction from the head. Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Female 165.00 4.40 46 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall 199.00 5.20 49 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall 497.00 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Female 406.00 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Female 4.70 13 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Female 4.49 63 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Female 22.00 0.27 90 Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station