Cape fat-tailed, Namaqua Africander, Ronderib Africander, Blinkhaar, Steekhaar, Nama
African Long-fat-tailed
Special Characteristics:
A typical fat-tailed sheep adapted to arid areas; has the ability to store energy in its tail, which can weigh as much as 5 kg; neck is markedly thin and ears are typically hanging; legs are long and thin; deep body with sloping rump and oval-shaped centrepiece; this conformation allows the animal to cover long distance in search of grazing and water; the shiny hair and round-ribbed (blinkhaar-ronderib) appearance is typical of the breed and strict standards are maintained by the breed society (Ramsay et al., n.d.).
Main Location:
Found in South Africa.
This breed had its origin in the Middle East and North East Africa; they migrated southward with the Khoikhoi-people, moving into South Africa between 400 and 600 AD and migrating down the west coast to the southern tip of the continent; at this stage they were multi–coloured and were commonly known as Cape fat-tailed sheep; in the 18th century, Cape Dutch farmers began selecting against coloured coats, and these flocks formed the basis of the present day Africander sheep (Ramsay et al., n.d.).