Koundoum, Goundou (in Niger), Tillabery Sheep (in Niger)
Special Characteristics:
The brreed does not thrive outside the humid area associated with the annual flood of the Niger river; its forehead is broad and straight with straight or slightly convex facial profile; the upper jaw is longer than the lower; it has well developed horns in males; the ears are wide, pendulous and of medium length; coat colour is generally white, with various spots of black and red particularly around eyes and ears (Wilson, 1991).
Main Location:
Its distribution is confined to the flood plains of the River Niger in central Mali and downstream in a narrow band on each side of the river as far as Niamey; It is owned primarily by the Fulani pastoral and agro-pastoral communities; some transhumant management involves short treks outside the inundation zone during periods of maximum flood; it is maintained under a sophisticated system of flock stratification involving milking, breeding, slaughter and wool producing sub-units (Wison, 1991).
It probably descended from the wooled thin-tailed sheep of North Africa and distributed into its current habitat (southern Mali and western Niger) by the Moors and Moroccans during the conquest of Timbuktu in the 15th and 16th centuries. Macina is the Fulani word for the Niger river inundation zone (Wilson, 1991).