No name - Breeds

Grupoordenação ascendente Breed Synonyms
Variety/Ecotype Cobb
Variety/Ecotype Naked neck
Variety/Ecotype Van phu chicken
Variety/Ecotype Gimmizah NA
Variety/Ecotype Taiwan Country Breed
Variety/Ecotype Tepi
Variety/Ecotype New Hampshire
Variety/Ecotype Ac chicken Black 5 toes chicken
Variety/Ecotype Local Chicken of Cote d'Ivoire NA
Variety/Ecotype Morogoro-medium
Variety/Ecotype Balachie
Variety/Ecotype Large Sudanese Baladi
Variety/Ecotype Silver Montazah
Variety/Ecotype Chiedieman
Variety/Ecotype Bau qui duck
Variety/Ecotype Tau Vang chicken Yellow Chinese Chicken
Variety/Ecotype Shaver Starcross 579
Variety/Ecotype Chicken of Karal and Massakory NA
Variety/Ecotype Hua-Tung
Variety/Ecotype Kokochiè
Variety/Ecotype Nkhuku
Variety/Ecotype Gai bahn
Variety/Ecotype Hisex Brown
Variety/Ecotype Peulh Le poulet du sud
Variety/Ecotype Amberlink