No name - Breeds

Group Breed Synonymssort descending
Unidentified Buffalo Manda
Unidentified Pig Ganzhongnan Spotted
Unidentified Buffalo Albinoid of the central part of the country
Variety/Ecotype Swazi Broiler
Developed / composite breeds Nungua Blackhead
Unidentified Buffalo Egyptian Buffalo
Unidentified Pig Chenghua Tshen-Hua
Unidentified Buffalo Himachal
Unidentified Buffalo Kundhi
Lop-eared goats Kabyle
Unidentified Pig Nanjing Black
Variety/Ecotype Kolonchié
Unidentified Pig Porc De Dapaong
Unidentified Pig Xiangcheng
Unidentified Buffalo Khouay
Fat-tailed Sheep Gicik
Unidentified Buffalo Shannan
Variety/Ecotype Nei-Mong
Unidentified Pig Taichung
Sanga Caprivi Sanga
Variety/Ecotype Baheij
Unidentified Pig Qingping
Unidentified Buffalo Bhadhawari
Unidentified Pig Fannong Spotted
Unidentified Buffalo Nelore