all Coat Colour/Pattern Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MCordenação descendente
Overall They are white in colour. Unspecified-1402883423, Tunisia
Overall They are mainly white in colour with brown patches (73%). Hairiness (26%), particularly on the thighs is common (42%). Unspecified-1402883398, Eritrea
Overall Mostly black with occasional white patches on the front of the head or the body. Lebanese Jabali, Western Sahara
Unspecified Generally black except for ears which are grey or speckled grey; other colours from light fawn through to dark chocolate brown also occur. Coat variable in length, generally long, longer hair on front legs and especially on hindquarters and hind legs. Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan
Unspecified White with patches of black on the ear, neck, sides and legs, and black splashes and spots on the rest of the body. The animals are black with a white head, back, tail and belly (side coloured), while others are solid black, solid white or red. In most ca Unspecified-1402883388, Mozambique
Overall Uni-colour; brown white, uni-colour white brown pied or dark grey. Abyssinian, Ethiopia
Overall Most of the sheep have light to dark brown and some of them are black and white colour respectively and there are also brown and white or black nd white colour are seen. Bonga, Ethiopia
Overall Usually yellowish white, though pied black and brown animals account for about 10% of the population. Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey
Overall Wide variety of colour patterns Swazi, Zulu , South Africa
Overall White fleece and colored patches around the eyes, carpus and tarsus regions. Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey