all Ear Type Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MC
Overall Ears short and carried horizontally or slightly drooping; vestigial ears occur. Rhodesian (obsolete synonym), Zimbabwe
Female Ear length (mean±SD) ear length was 13.0±1.1 cm. Kotu-Oromo, Ethiopia
Unspecified Medium to very long (12-20 cm), lopped. Sudan Desert., Sudan
Unspecified Ears are long: mean±SD ear length in males and females were 19.7±3.9 and 20.1±3.6 cm, respectively. Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea
Overall Approximately 25 – 30 cm long, hanging and banded outside and upwards at the tips. Unspecified-1402883451, United Kingdom
Overall Medium long (14 cm), broad and pendent. Unspecified-1402883411, Togo
Overall Ears are vestigial. Danakil, Adal, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Small and not pendant. Unspecified-1402883374, Ethiopia
Unspecified Ear length (mean±SD) in males and females were 14.1±1.6 and 13.8±1.5 cm, respectively. Unspecified-1402883406, Ethiopia
Overall Pendulous ears shorter than those of the Hamadani Unspecified-1402883446, Turkmenistan