
Speciesordenação ascendente Nome Synonyms
Sheep Congo Dwarf Bahu (after the name of group of ethnic groups that maintain the breed)
Sheep Chal Shal
Sheep Sabi Rhodesian, Zimbabwie, Mashona
Sheep Cyprus Fat-tailed
Sheep Dangila
Sheep Letelle Merino
Sheep Terguia-Sidaou
Sheep Toposa Blackhead Persian, Blackhead Somali
Sheep Ati Barka
Sheep Karadi
Sheep Red Maasai Maasai, Tanganyika Short-tailed, Kipsigis, Luo, Nandi, Samburu
Sheep Herik
Sheep Zoulay
Sheep Dorper White Dorper, Dorsian, Dorsie (in Afrikaans)
Sheep Atlas Mountain