No name - Breeds

Group Breed Synonymssort descending
Variety/Ecotype Naked neck
Unidentified Pig Wanzhe Spotted
Variety/Ecotype Erh-Mei
Unidentified Buffalo Native buffaloes in the eastern part
Unidentified Buffalo De
Variety/Ecotype Singamagazi
Unidentified Pig Shengxian Spotted
Sanga Aliab Dinka
Unidentified Pig Xiangxi Black
Unidentified Buffalo Borneo Buffalo
Unidentified Buffalo South-east Yunan
Variety/Ecotype Lohmann Brown
Unidentified Pig West African
Sanga Shangan
Variety/Ecotype Matrouh
Unidentified Pig Shanghai White
Unidentified Buffalo Marathwada
Sanga Bashi
Unidentified Pig Ganzhou White
Unidentified Buffalo Albinoid of the western part of the country
Unidentified Buffalo Australiano
Variety/Ecotype Swazi Layer
Developed / composite breeds Wiltiper
Unidentified Buffalo Masri
Unidentified Pig Chunan Spotted