Productivity Index - Traits

Speciessort descending Breed Trait
Cattle Kenya Boran Cow
Cattle N'Dama per 100kg0.73 cow per year
Cattle N'Dama Unspecified-1402887329
Cattle Angoni Per Year Per 100 kg Animal
Cattle N'Dama Per Year Per Animal
Cattle N'Dama The weight of an eight-month old calf per cow per year
Cattle N'Dama The weight of an eight-month old calf per cow per year
Cattle Borgou Per Year Per Animal
Cattle N'Dama Per cow per year (kg)
Cattle Angoni Weaned weight per cow per year
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year
Goats Zimbabwe Weaned live kid weight (kg) per doe per year
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (g)
Goats Boer Weight of 18 months goat/doe/year
Goats Djallonke Litter size * 365 * weight at 90 days
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (g) produced per kg metabolic weight of dam per year.
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (g) produced per kg metabolic weight of dam per year.
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year
Goats Zimbabwe Weaned live kid weight (kg) per doe per year
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (g)
Goats Small East African (weaning weight at 150 days * 365)/interval to next parturition
Goats Djallonke Lamb(kg) / ewe/year
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year