all Hump Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Overall Moderately developed being more marked in the male than the female. It is thoracic in position. Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Unspecified Well developed. Being irregularly shaped, indented and furrowed, bending always sideways, to the right or the left. Unspecified-1402883384, Nigeria
Overall Fairly pronounced hump. Unspecified-1402883379, Uganda On Station
Overall The hump is conical and well-developed. Unspecified-1402883383, Madagascar
Overall There is considerable variation in shape and position. It may be quite small or large and pyramidal in shape or large and long with a backward fall. In position it could be cervico-thoracic or thoracic. Unspecified-1402883383, Malawi On Farm
Overall Small in size and is cervico or cervico-thoracic in position. Wogera, Ethiopia
Female Either no hump can be distinguished or it is only a very small one. In general Nguni cattle are somewhat tighter skinned than many other African types. Unspecified-1402883389, Swaziland
Overall Without or with small hump. Unspecified-1402883394, Ethiopia
Overall Well developed especially in the bull. It is rounded from front to back and with a light fall at the back. It is placed firmly over the withers and with a slight fall at the back. It is placed firmly over the withers and is thoracic in position. Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall Very small cervico-thoracic hump. Unspecified-1402883387, Burundi