all Horn Description Traits

Sex Meansort descending SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall There is a very high incidence of polledness (37%). Horned goats have straight (32%) or curved horns (29%). Kotu-Oromo, Ethiopia On Farm
Ewe Hornless. Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey
Overall Rams have horns but ewes are generally polled. Amasys Herik, Herki, Harrick, Herrik, Hurluck, Turkey
Overall Absent in both sexes or have rudimentary horns. Unspecified-1402883397, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Are usually short, light, set well apart and curve outwards, upwards and slightly inwards. Unspecified-1402883496, Nigeria
Overall Massive. Vertically high and bulbous shaped. Unspecified-1402883370, Chad
Female Polled Unspecified-1402883446, Turkmenistan
Overall Both sexes are usually hornless. Unspecified-1402883412, United States
Overall Horns are mainly straight (53%) or slightly curving (47%), predominantly oriented backwards (90%). Unspecified-1402883398, Eritrea
Ewe Almost half of them are horned Unspecified-1402883500, Turkey