all Horn Description Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Overall Small spiral and flattened, sometimes absent. Unspecified-1402883424, Morocco
Overall Horns should be absent (although scurs do occur). Blackhead Ogaden, Boran, Adal, Afar Blackhead,, Ethiopia On Station
Unspecified Present in both sexes: strong, moderately heavy and long in males with homonymous twist projecting sideways or backwards and outwards; lighter, scimitar shaped and backward curving in females. Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Male Have prominent spiral horns very similar to those of the KIvIrcIk Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey
Overall Extremely long horns, lyre or crescent-shaped sometimes forming a complete circle. Unspecified-1402883386, Ethiopia
Overall Generally, the males have horns while the ewes are polled. Some ewes do have horns, however Unspecified-1402883449, Turkey
Overall Thick and light. Borrie, Nigeria
Overall Horns are short and thin and project outwards and upwards from the head and slightly forward. Polled animals are fairly common. Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan On Station
Unspecified Absent in sheep from eastern Sudan but males from the west are usually horned and about 5 percent of females in west are also horned. The horns are spiral in shape. Arab, Ashgur, Shugor, Butana, Beja, Drashiani, Dubasi, Gash, Kababish, Watish, Baqqara, Barka (Shukria), Hamale., Sudan
Overall Both sexes are polled. Hamdani, Turkmenistan