Overall |
Big at base, short, round and pointed: cylindrical in males, oval in females. Loose horns exist. Polled animals are common. |
Unspecified-1402883374, Togo |
Overall |
Which are short or of medium length project laterally. Polled animals are very common. |
Unspecified-1402883388, Zimbabwe |
Overall |
Horns are triangular in males, almost all which possess them loosely spiralled and long; only 5.6 percent of females (n=581) carry small horns. |
Unspecified-1402883411, Togo |
Female |
Short curved horns |
Jabali, United Kingdom |
Overall |
There is a very high incidence of polledness (37%). Horned goats have straight (32%) or curved horns (29%). |
Kotu-Oromo, Ethiopia |
On Farm |
Overall |
The horns are short to medium in length and are thin or moderately thick. They project outwards and slightly forwards; sometimes the tips curve backwards and sometimes the horns while projecting outwards and upwards have only a slight curve in them. |
Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon |
On Farm |
Unspecified |
Horns are of medium in length. |
Unspecified-1402883418, Mali |
Overall |
May be present or absent in both sexes and may be short to moderately long . |
Bantu, Matabeleland., Zimbabwe |
On Farm |
Overall |
Absent more often. |
Sahel, West African Long-legged, Desert, Sudan, Fulani, Peul, Peulh, Gorane (Chad)., Chad |
Unspecified |
In 95 percent of both sexes: large and flattened in cross-section in males, homonymously twisted, projecting outwards or backwards; females finer and curving upwards and backwards. |
Sudan Desert., Sudan |