all Horn Description Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Overall Present in both sexes: curving outwards and backwards in males; females’ horns lighter and scimitar shaped; polled animals very rare. Chevre Commune, Chevre Locale, Long-hair goat, Short-hair goat, Burundi
Overall Horns are absent in ewes and often in rams, which have mostly weak horns. Murle, Turkana, Gabbra, Uruguay On Station
Ewe Are polled Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Overall Massive. Vertically high and bulbous shaped. Unspecified-1402883370, Chad
Overall Rams and ewes are polled. Unspecified-1402883446, Turkmenistan
Overall There is a very high incidence of polledness (37%). Horned goats have straight (32%) or curved horns (29%). Kotu-Oromo, Ethiopia On Farm
Overall The horns are short to medium in length and are thin or moderately thick. They project outwards and slightly forwards; sometimes the tips curve backwards and sometimes the horns while projecting outwards and upwards have only a slight curve in them. Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Overall Moderately thick horns, with blant ends. Unspecified-1402883381, Uruguay
Unspecified It is circular in section, not oval usually of a uniform curve, erect, elegant and stylish, sweeping up wards and tapering continuously to a very sharp point. The curve is generally symmetrical and g Unspecified-1402883388, Zimbabwe
Male They are heteronymous twisted and vary from an open corkscrew to a light vertical screw. Unspecified-1402883451, Turkmenistan