all Horn Description Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Valuesort descending Location MC
Overall Females are normally, but not always, hornless. If males have horns, they are usually short and pointed, turning backwards. Polls in males are as common as horns. Masai, Kipsigis, Luo, Nandi, Samburu, Kenya On Station
Overall Floating horns huge at the base. Unspecified-1402883444, Ethiopia
Ewe Generally horned Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey
Overall Generally short, fine and round in cross section. They project upwards slightly outwards and have a slight curve at the upper two-thirds. Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Farm
Overall Generally, the males have horns while the ewes are polled. Some ewes do have horns, however Unspecified-1402883449, Turkey
Overall Gigantic, bulbous and conical. Porous and light. Unspecified-1402883370, Chad
Male Have long spiral horns Naami, Shefali, Turkmenistan
Male Have prominent spiral horns very similar to those of the KIvIrcIk Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey
Overall Horizontal position. Unspecified-1402883453, Niger
Male Horned. Ethiopian Highland, Abyssinian, Ethiopia